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Save the Date: Urban Living Meetup, Wednesday 21-Mar-2007

By March 7, 2007

Urban Living

by guest contributor Carl Goodman

Join us for our second in an occasional series of Urban Living Meetups, where you can share your passion for Urban Living.com, downtown Seattle and all things condo:

Wednesday, 21-Mar-2007
7:00 to 9:00 p.m.

Amber Restaurant & Lounge
2214 First Ave. (at Blanchard St.), in Belltown

Let’s reinforce our online condo-consumer-empowerment movement by getting to know each other offline. Share your RE insights and help build a real sense of community while sparking efforts to achieve a denser and more vibrant Seattle.

We’re taking over Amber’s VIP Room upstairs. Woo-hoo! We’ll be able to rearrange the room’s leather chairs and couches to form a circle that’ll be perfect for our informal dialogues. No-host soda, full bar, and appetizers will be available.

Hope to see you on the 21st!