An event with an odd name – Pecha Kucha 20×20 in Ballard tonight

If you have never experienced one of these events, you should. They happen here in the Seattle area once a month and each one has a different topic and features guest speakers, artists and others with expertise or focus on the given topic. Great for networking. Great for learning new things. Great for getting introduced to some pretty amazing individuals doing amazing things. Last month the topic was about the cross section of Art and Technology. It was held at the Seattle Art Museum’s Olympic Sculpture Park and it was standing room only. These events are free to attend though sometimes space is limited depending on the venue.
Tonight’s event is focused on “Living Loving Nordic Design” (in Ballard of course) at the Nordic Heritage Museum. Featured speakers are architects, builders, interior designers and more. RSVP’s are encouraged for this particular event and can do so on the events page of the Museum’s website. For detailed information check out this link.