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Queen Anne High School Loft for Sale

By March 5, 2014

Queen Anne, Queen Anne High School, Seattle

The Queen Anne High School building is enchanting and quirky. The roundabout entrance and the classical façade lends an air of regality unparelleled elsewhere in Seattle. It was previously, as the name suggests, a Seattle public high school and then converted into condos in 2007.

The loft on the market offers 683 square feet with a loft bedroom, a bathroom and a spacious looking open plan kitchen in custom white cabinets. The bathroom has a classical vintage feel with white marbled counter top and black and white checkered tiling. The unit comes with an assigned space in the garage

It was previously sold in 2008 for $323,000 and is now selling for $316,500 with monthly HOA dues at $412.

Queen Anne High School Loft for Sale - entrance Queen Anne High School Loft for Sale - entrance Queen Anne High School Loft for Sale - living room Queen Anne High School Loft for Sale -  loft space Queen Anne High School Loft for Sale - kitchen Queen Anne High School Loft for Sale -  kitchen Queen Anne High School Loft for Sale - kitchen and living room Queen Anne High School Loft for Sale -  dining room Queen Anne High School Loft for Sale -  bedroom Queen Anne High School Loft for Sale - bathroom Queen Anne High School Loft for Sale - view
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