Carbon 56 is Back

Remember Carbon 56? Back in the day (well, 2003) it was Aristo Apartments and then was converted into 56 condo units. But it was converted a little bit late in the real estate cycle and so all the unsold inventory turned back into apartments much to the disappointment of all the people who bought. Well, today those 20 apartments are now being sold again. Well not all 20 to start, but 8. They’ve been renovated with new floors, paint, trim/molding, added glass subway tile backsplash in kitchens, and new carpet.
Price range is $299k to $510k.
With a complete lack of condo inventory, an Amazon explosion in South Lake Union and crazy rent prices, these will likely be a quick sell.
Their site doesn’t offer much detail but a few units are on the MLS: #315, #313, #213 and two, #415 and #413 are already pending.
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