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Check In: New Construction Condo Inventory

By July 21, 2011

1350 Alki, 1521, 200 West Highland, 5th and Madison, Brix, Eleven Eleven East Pike, Enso, Escala, Four Seasons Private Residences, Gallery, Harvard & Highland, Hjarta, Marselle, Olive 8, The Danielle, The Decatur, Trace Lofts, Trace North, Veer Lofts

Just over two months ago, I did a roundup of new construction condo inventory in Seattle. It seems about time to check in and see where things stand now.

Last time I said that inventory was 69% sold overall; however, I missed a few properties in my roundup. So after adding those in (including several that were previously sold out) it was more like 75% sold two months ago. Today’s totals show inventory is 77% sold overall and in the past two months 54 units have closed, leaving 410 available from a total count of 2,036.

I know the sales teams are going to feel somewhat competitive about these numbers so I’ll refrain from listing a full differential. Instead, I’ll just point out that The Danielle and Harvard & Highland have seen the greatest change in % sold in the past two months which isn’t too surprising since they are both boutique developments with a lower total count in units. In terms of # units closed, Escala and Gallery moved the most inventory.

1350 Alki — 90% Sold
(10 Total Units, 9 Closed, 0 Pending, 1 Available)

200 West Highland — 100% Sold
(25 Total Units, 25 Closed, 0 Pending, 0 Available)

5th and Madison — 100% Sold?
(126 Total Units,  126? Closed,  0 Pending, 0? Available)

Brix — 100% Sold
(141 Total Units, 141 Sold, 0 Pending, 0 Available)

The Danielle — 48% Sold
(31 Total Units, 15 Closed, 3 Pending, 13 Available)

The Decatur — 83% Sold
(146 Total Units, 121 Closed, 3 Pending, 22 Available)

Eleven Eleven East Pike — 78% Sold
(27 Total Units, 21 Closed, 2 Lease Option, 2 Pending, 2 Available)

Enso — 89% Sold
(134 Total Units, 119 Closed, 2 Pending, 13 Available)

Escala — 37% Sold
(265 Total Units, 97 Closed, 18 Pending, 154 Available)

Fifteen Twenty-One Second Avenue — 80% Sold
(143 Total Units, 115 Closed, 4 Pending, 24 Available)

Four Seasons Private Residences — 69% Sold
(36 Total Units, 25 Closed, 0 Pending, 11 Available)

Gallery — 94% Sold
(233 Total Units, 218 Closed, 8 Pending, 7 Available)

Hjarta — 61% Sold
(79 Total Units, 48 Closed, 2 Pending, 29 Available)

Harvard and Highland — 71% Sold
(38 Total Units, 27 Closed, 2 Pending, 9 Available)

Marselle — 69% Sold
(132 Total Units, 91 Closed, 3 Pending, 38 Available)

Olive 8 — 62% Sold
(229 Total Units, 141 Closed, 3 Pending, 85 Available)

Trace North — 93% Sold
(100 Total Units, 93 Closed, 5 Pending, 2 Available)

Trace Lofts — 98% Sold
(42 Total Units, 41 Closed, 1 Pending, 0 Available)

VEER Lofts — 100% Sold
(100 Total Units, 100 Closed, 0 Pending, 0 Available)

Things you should know:

  • I’ve added in the ones I missed last time, but by all means let me know if there’s another hole that needs filling.
  • The numbers only include inventory of new sales in these buildings, some may very well have resales on the market that aren’t reflected.
  • % Sold = Closed/Total which is slightly different than what I did last time I believe (feel free to check my math).
  • There’s a ? next to 5th and Madison because we still think there might be a developer-owned property in there but don’t really know for sure.

Disclaimer: Olive 8, Decatur, Eleven Eleven, 1521, Harvard and Highland, and Trace North are Urban Living advertisers.