Condo Millennium: A Performance About Cap Hill’s Condo Boom/Bust
The excellent Capitol Hill Seattle blog let us know about an interesting performance named Condo Millennium by Marya Sea Kaminski at the North West Film Forum this Thursday through Saturday at 8 pm:
Join us for a performance exposition written and directed by Marya Sea Kaminski. Inspired by the transformation of Seattle’s Pike-Pine corridor and developed from live interviews with Seattle politicians, activists, developers, children, comedians and residents at large, this event brings performance, video, song, dance and absurd fantasy together to sketch a picture of our evolving urban landscape and the places we call home. The history of our city is explored among dreams of modern urban living, notices of proposed land use, shouts of “location, location, location,†condominiums and the crashing economy. Enjoy the stories that collect in the corners.
You can learn more about Marya and the performance in Seattle magazine’s write-up, Spotlight: Marya Sea Kaminski:
Her current project, Condo Millennium, is a different kind of risk. She’s writing and directing again, but this time she’s letting local actors do the performing. The concept took root in Kaminski’s mind four years ago as a personal reaction to the condo boom on Capitol Hill, where she was living. Then came the condo crash, providing even richer fodder. The play explores stereotypes (construction worker, real estate agent) as well as actual people living inside and up against condo culture (the script is partly based on hours of interviews). She intends it to paint a panoramic—and authentic—view of how condos have affected our urban landscape.
Anyone interested in going and want to meet up for a drink afterwards? Thursday they’re having a reception afterwards…
Update: I bought tickets for today, Thursday, if you’re going too, let us know in the comments!