Full Height at Monique Lofts

Hello from Japan!
Many of you emailed to let me know I’m behind on blogging but more specifically that there is another loft for sale at Monique Lofts, unit #210. Fortunately for you I’m jet lagged at waking up crazy early.
$479,950 for a 1,014 square feet full height loft. NO PARKING.
Longtime readers know I love Monique Lofts, however I don’t love this unit because it is on the north side of the building with not much of a view. The renovated kitchen is also a little too contemporary for me, better suited for a cabin in the mountains, not a cool loft in the city.
This place last sold in 2007 for $420,000. Unit #202 on the same floor, but smaller at 724 square feet, just went pending after 9 days on the market.
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