Seattle weekly wrap-up

We hope you had a good holiday and are surviving all this wild weather!
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to our Mary’s Place fundraiser. As a reminder – our weekly updates on Seattle real estate are a labor of love! And are free! Often written over the weekend, in-between kids’ activities, they take way longer to write than you’d ever guess. So as a regular reader, we’d love to see you support our end-of-year fundraiser for Mary’s Place. an organization that provides safe, inclusive shelter and services that support women, children, and families. This year they have had the highest amount of calls and the need is overwhelming. Urban Living will match all your donations. You can donate via Facebook, or if you’d prefer to donate directly, just forward me your receipt and we’ll match it.

As for real estate last week – it was not surprisingly super quiet! Between snow, ice, and Christmas, only 36 new listings hit the market, making it by far, the slowest week of the year. As for buyers, they put 108 homes under contract, making it the second slowest week of the year for buyers. This week will also be quiet with new listings likely starting to pick up the first week of January. So buyers, be patient, new inventory is coming soon :).
So long 2022!